
Our babies (no, not kids)

One fateful April day, Connie found four newly born inhabitants in the garage of the Harvest Bend property. No shelter would take them unless weaned, so guess what? We did. Of course we were not going to adopt them so we didn't allow the kids to "name" any of them. However, we did... as in the adults... just to tell them apart... and when it came time to adopt them out, well... we couldn't exactly do that either.  Well, that was April of 06... guess what?    They are still with us...

Snowball at one week old.
Rebel at one week old.
Once their eyes opened, we housed them in the bottom half of a "action packer".
All three eating at the same time. Here they are about 5-6 weeks old.
They haven't met the dogs yet at this point, so we had to contain them in the tub. Here they are about 6-8 weeks old. Yin-Yang (Yin for short) is up top, bottom left is Snowball, and to the right is Rebel. So doggone cute!!
This one is my favorites. Connie caught this one just right as the two girls, popped their heads above the tub as if to ask "What mom?". Just in case -- Snowball on the left, Rebel to the right.
Rebel watching "Fish TV"
Another view of Rebel
The fish she wants... yea, the biggest one in the tank, the alge eater. We call her "Big Bertha". Nose to tail she is probably 8-9 inches long. In case you are wondering, we really don't know if it is a "he" or a "she".
Yin - having assumed the position on the living room chair.
Now look... three lazy bossy cats occupying space in a window sill...

