We have way too many interests for our own good but that also means we don't get bored easily either! We have divided this page up into a number of categories with both Connie and David having separate professionally related pages, and then single pages devoted to our lives and interests.
We are here in Pearland, Texas... It's OK... yea, we wish it snowed more than it has and winter was a winter as we'd rather not have to consider broad leaf weed killers in January. But it DID snow a couple of times in 2009/2010 and on Christmas Eve of '04. Yet at the same time we're still harvesting Jalepeno's and Bell peppers in Janurary from plants that were rooted last April... I guess that means that we have adapted ourselves here. Houston as you may know is big but doesn't have the claustrophobic L.A. feeling either. It isn't limited by geography and just keeps growing as needed. I'd have to say that we don't mind it, but we definitely don't plan to retire and die here... but then one never knows... northwest of San Antonio is looking pretty good!
Did you know that based solely on insecticide sales, Houston is the third most cock-roach infested city in the lower 48 states? Who's first and second? Beats me... but it has to be somewhere in Florida. One thing that I have been asked a lot of recent is the growing of peppers, specifically Jalepeno's and Habanero's. Basically, I find them easy to grow as they are one of the few plants that will continue to thrive given the "pleasantly warm" Summers we are prone to have.
Mod 12/23/2013